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Whether you’re a seasoned biologist or an amphibian enthusiast, finding newts should definitely be on your list. These stunning colored creatures aren’t only a joy to watch; they’re also fascinating to study and observe. Most newts can be found near water bodies like ponds, streams, and lakes. You can even find them in your garden …

Read More about How to Find Newts (In 4 Simple Steps)

In the face of fight or flight situations, there exists a third option that involves an elaborate deception—faking death. Now, playing dead is no novelty in the animal kingdom. For instance, the opossum sells the act like a true thespian, to the point of reeking like a rotting carcass. Other famous death fakers include particular …

Read More about Do Newts Play Dead? (Why Some Do)

Is your adorable hamster sporting a less-than-fluffy appearance lately? Seeing your furry friend lose its soft fur can be disheartening, especially when they exhibit other troubling symptoms. Hair loss in hamsters can stem from various reasons, including molting, poor nutrition, ringworm, and excessive grooming. Be it a gradual thinning or sudden bald patches on their …

Read More about Why Is My Hamster Losing Hair? (9 Potential Causes)

Hamsters make amazing pets because they’re easy to care for and can help teach kids how to be responsible. However, many people recommend sticking to only one. This matter raises an important question: Can hamsters live together? Or are they solitary animals? Hamsters come in many breeds, the most popular of which are Syrian and …

Read More about Can Hamsters Live Together? (It Depends)

At first, you might compare your leopard gecko licking you to a dog giving its owner a kiss. Nevertheless, that’s farthest from the truth. The phenomenon is more comparable to a snake slithering its tongue out to gauge its surrounding environment. In the same way, a leopard gecko’s tongue not only controls its sense of …

Read More about Why Does My Leopard Gecko Lick Me? (Common Reasons)

After purchasing your gecko and settling it in its new home, there’s only one thing left to do, name it. Now, you may have forgotten to ask your breeder about its gender. The good news is that there are several ways you can point out your pet reptile’s sex. These methods primarily involve looking at …

Read More about Male vs. Female Geckos (How to Tell them Apart)

Geckos are ideal low-maintenance and friendly pets. Before purchasing the pet, you’ve likely thought, “How big do geckos get?” Well, gecko sizes vary based on multiple factors, from their environment and age to their breed and diet. For instance, a tokay gecko can grow much larger than a regular house gecko. Another factor worth considering …

Read More about How Big Do Geckos Get? (By Species)

Did you know that newts can live as long as 20 years in captivity? That is if they’re well taken care of. These amphibians are fascinating creatures that have been tamed and domesticated over the years. They’re docile, cute, and adapt well to new environments. They’re great as pets, especially when owners can provide them …

Read More about How to Care for Newts (A Complete Guide for Beginners)

Newts are among the most fascinating amphibians, due to their ability to regrow body parts, produce powerful toxins, breathe through their skin, and live on both land and water. These creatures also have eye-catching appearances, with colorations ranging from green, brown, and black, to red, yellow, and orange. Plus, newts have countless variations of spots, …

Read More about How Big Do Newts Get? (Size & Appearance of Adults & Babies)

Newts are small and semi-aquatic creatures who belong to the Salamandridae family. At first glance, these attractive amphibians look like colorful versions of their reptile counterparts: lizards. When it comes to behavior, newts rarely bite and are usually non-volatile in nature. Their tame disposition, ability to thrive in captivity, and low need for maintenance make …

Read More about Are Newts Aggressive? (Behavior, Biting Habits, & Toxicity)