The more time you spend with your hermit crab, the more it fuels your curiosity about them. Ever wonder why we call them hermit crabs despite living in colonies? What about whether or not they can pee or poop like us? Has it crossed your mind if your hermit crabs enjoy the kind of music …
Fish & Crustaceans
There are over 800 species of hermit crabs all over the world today. Sadly, only a few are available for us to take home. While the most common hermit crab types that you’ll see in pet stores are the Caribbean and Ecuadorian crabs, this article will introduce you to some of the other species as …
Breeding hermit crabs can be quite a tricky task and it’s difficult to have successful results on the first try. This is why most of the time, the hermit crabs you’ll see in pet stores are taken from the wild. If you still want to give it a go, check out this handy hermit crab …
Whether you won a hermit crab at a fair, or simply bought some to keep you company, you may now be wondering, “What do hermit crabs need?” As a whole, hermit crabs have various caring aspects that need to be properly addressed. From tending to their nocturnal nature to their need for company, creating the …
A balanced diet is essential to keeping your hermit crab healthy and happy. These cute crustaceans like variety and enjoy eating new food every day. If you’re a first-time hermit crab owner, you might wonder what to feed your little buddy. You might also be confused if a particular type of fruit, veggie, or treat …
Hermit crabs, like all crabs, get rid of their old skin every once in a while to rejuvenate themselves. If your hermit crab hasn’t surfaced for a while or if it did with a different color, you’re probably curious. Fret not, we’re going to uncover everything you want to know about the topic: Do hermit …
As odd as it may sound, hermit crabs are actually great pets. Although their setup can cost a bit more than other pets, they don’t require a fortune to keep. So, how much are hermit crabs to own? The cost of the hermit crab itself is much less than other pets. You may pay for …
Compared to common pets (dogs and cats, we’re looking at you!), not as many people talk about how owners should interact with hermit crabs and look after them. Granted, hermies may not be as cuddly, but they deserve much more attention as they’re super fascinating to observe and tons of fun to play with! This …
Hermit crabs are small crustaceans living in shallow waters all over the world. They are usually found on shorelines because of abundant food and hiding places. However, they have evolved to live on land using mollusk shells for protection. Eventually, they’ve become one of the most unusual pets. With proper care, they can live up …
A lot of people consider adding hermit crabs into their fish tanks as these crustaceans belong to what aquarists call the cleanup crew. Although these animals aren’t true crabs, they’re pretty popular because they are curious, fun, and quite easy to care for. But do hermit crabs live in water? Can they swim, or will …