One of the worst things a pet owner can come across is the concern that their pet may be infested with parasites or fleas. Most people that have that concern are owners of conventional pets like dogs and cats.
But should you be worried? Can sugar gliders get fleas? The answer is, undoubtedly, yes.
Can Sugar Gliders Get Fleas?
Unfortunately, Sugar gliders can get fleas and parasites like ticks, lice, and hookworm.
Most people believe that they don’t get fleas due to their thick fur which is totally wrong.
Sugar gliders’ thick fur only makes it hard for fleas to hold onto, not prevent them from sticking to your glider.
If you’re unsure if your sugar glider has fleas or not, We’ll look into some of the ways you can spot them, what to do if you find fleas, and how to prevent infections in the future.
What Do Fleas Look Like?
You might ask what are fleas and what do they look like? Well, fleas are a kind of blood-sucking parasites like ticks and lice.
They’re very small, averaging about 18th of an inch long. They have a reddish-brown hue and are known for their jumping. A flea can jump about 8 inches high and can jump as far as 19 inches.
If you see any insects jumping around your sugar glider, they could have a flea infestation.
Where to Look for Fleas?
There are certain areas where fleas prefer to stay on your sugar glider and any other pet.
However, looking for fleas only on your pet isn’t enough. There might be somewhere else in your home that brought those fleas to your poor sugar glider.
On Sugar Gliders
Fleas and parasites’ favorite places on pets tend to be armpits, groin, and anywhere with thin hair on their body.
So, start to pay attention to these areas if you’re looking for fleas on your pet, or every now and then when you play with them.
If you suspect fleas have infiltrated your house or are certain your sugar glider has any, you might want to check your carpets. Fleas can hide and lay eggs deep in the carpet.
With a flashlight, run your hands along carpet fibers to try to find evidence of flea activity. Fleas are really tiny and can be really hard to spot. A simple trick that you can do is to put on some white or light-colored socks and shuffle over your carpet.
The heat and friction will attract any fleas inviting them to jump onto the socks. Then check again with a flashlight on your socks to be able to spot fleas more easily.
Furniture and Bedding
Check the furniture or bedding that your pet frequents. To make sure it’s flea dirt, you can pour water over it to test it. Flea dirt will turn a reddish color when wet.
Other Animals and Plants
If you have other pets that go outside, or have been outside with your glider, that can be a way for fleas to enter your home.
Also, foliage and soil are places where fleas and ticks hide, be careful before letting your sugar glider play in or around a plant.
Look for Flea Dirt
Another thing to look for is flea dirt. Flea dirt is flea droppings that look like little dirt specks or black pepper flakes.
What to Do to Get Rid of Fleas on Sugar Gliders?
The best and easiest way to get rid of fleas on your sugar glider is to use a flea comb and a white sheet.
The first thing you need to do is: to bathe your sugar glider with warm water and flea shampoo or regular soap to kill as many fleas as possible.
Then get the flea comb and the white sheet.
A flea comb is designed to trap fleas within the hair of your glider between its teeth.
Fleas will look like black specs to you, so getting a white sheet to comb your pet on will help you see them and prevent them from falling on your carpet.
Then run the comb through their hair and when you finish, dip it in hot water with soap to kill the remaining fleas.
After you do so, it’s crucial to repeat the whole process within the same week until you stop finding any fleas or eggs.
How to Prevent Fleas?
Fleas are your pets’ worst enemy. They can cause lots of skin problems, including itchiness, redness, and dermatitis.
Luckily, fleas are preventable but spotting them, and knowing what to look for, can be difficult.
Frequent Grooming
Frequent grooming is a must for sugar gliders.
It can prevent fleas and will get out any remains of flea dirt. Frequent grooming will also help you discover fleas early, making getting rid of them a lot easier.
Whether your sugar glider has had fleas or ticks before or not, frequent grooming will keep your sugar glider healthy and happy.
Clean House and Beddings
You wouldn’t be able to get rid of fleas unless you get rid of their eggs too. Make sure your carpets, furniture, the sugar gliders bedding, and even your bed, are free from fleas and their eggs.
By simply vacuuming and steam cleaning your carpets often, clean your gliders’ bedding, and change your bed sheets too.
Final Thoughts
In short, most animals have the possibility of getting fleas, including sugar gliders, as their dense hair isn’t going to prevent them from being infested.
Always keep your environment clean and inspect your glider’s bedding, food, and water. Also, try and make time for frequent grooming sessions for your sugar gliders to keep them happy and healthy.
Furthermore, to get rid of fleas once and for all, often check the areas where they are more likely to be present.
I have a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When I’m not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, I’m at home with my wife, two daughters and a dog. Outside of family, I love grilling and barbequing on my Big Green Egg and working on projects around the house. Growing up, I had pet dogs, cats, deer, sugar gliders, chinchillas, a bird, chickens, fish, and a goat.