Trying to take care of a goldfish is one of the great shared experiences of pet lovers everywhere. No matter who you are or what your background might be, there’s a decent chance you’ve tried to take care of a goldfish before. That said, there’s a big difference between trying to keep a goldfish afloat …
Fish & Crustaceans
Hermit crabs make adorable pets and are fascinating creatures in the wild as well. As any expert knows, hermit crabs will leave their shells at particular points in their lifetime. In this article, we will explore the few circumstances that might prompt a hermit crab to leave its shell. Remember, shells are protective for hermit …
Maintaining a fish pond can be a labor of love. There’s something about the serenity and beauty of sunlight refracting off the cool clear water and colorful scales of koi and other pond fish as they swim past plants that’s simply impossible not to love as a fish owner and nature person. For as much …
Hermit crabs make great low-maintenance pets, especially for busy families or small children who are just learning to take care of animals. But sometimes, their tanks can look a little sparse, since hermit crabs love to burrow and hide in small spaces. Is there anything that can safely and easily live in there with them? …
Sea monkeys are a type of aquarium pet that many people like to keep in their homes. They’re actually a hybrid breed of brine shrimp known as Artemia NYOS that was invented in the ’50s, and they’ve been marketed in hatching kits as a novelty ever since. You might have recently purchased some sea monkeys …
Hermit crabs are unique household pets that are relatively easy to take care of. Perhaps one of the most fascinating things about them is watching them molt. As fun as they may be, however, taking care of them the right way is vital for their survival. There are a lot of things that can cause …
Sea monkeys make a fun and interesting pet that is sure to entertain the entire family. Despite their name, sea monkeys are not actually monkeys at all but are a type of genetically modified shrimp. They come in a freeze-dried form and come to life when dumped into water. After maturing, sea monkeys tend to …
Contrary to their name, sea monkeys are not, in fact, monkeys at all. Instead, they are a type of brine shrimp that came about in the 1950s. Since then, they have become a popular starter pet for people who don’t want to commit to something that requires a bit more responsibility. Although sea monkeys make …
Despite their name, hermit crabs make great companions. They are pretty easy to take care of and don’t require much. Best of all, they are not picky eaters, which means you won’t have to give up an arm and a leg to feed them. Although they aren’t picky eaters, hermit crabs definitely have their favorite …
When it comes to all the different kinds of animals that you can own, hermit crabs are one of the most unique animals. With their adorable expressions and the different kinds of shells that you can offer them, owning hermit crabs can be an enjoyable experience. As with owning any type of animal, it is …