Hamsters and Chinchillas are cute little creatures that are growing in popularity as pets due to this cuteness. However, even though these animals seem similar, they are very different animals. So, let’s go through what you need to know about these two creatures.
Hamsters are small cubby creatures that have a little stubby tail. Hamsters need a high protein diet to stay healthy. On the other hand, Chinchillas are larger, fluffier, and have long tails. Chinchillas need a high-fiber diet to stay healthy. There are only some differences between them.
How do Hamsters and Chinchillas differ in appearance? How do you groom a Hamster and a Chinchilla? What are some of their most common health problems? Let’s find out!
Hamster vs. Chinchilla: What’s the Difference Between Them?
Hamsters and Chinchillas are adorable little creatures that are a part of the rodent family. These two animals are increasing in popularity as pets due to their cute looks. These two creatures also look a lot alike, so they can easily be confused with each other.
However, these two rodents are very different from each other in many ways, and understanding these distinctions can help you decide which one will suit you best as your pet. It is important to understand what each creature needs to thrive in your care before making your choice.
This is because some of their care requirements can be quite demanding, and you need to ensure you have the patience and time needed to accomplish them.
Let’s go through all the differences between these two animals and what will be required from you to care for them, so you can decide which one is the best one for you.
An In-Depth Look at Chinchillas
First, we will go through everything you need to know about Chinchillas. These little fuzz balls are extremely cute, and they have many desirable attributes that make them popular among many different people. Let’s see how these creatures differ from Hamsters and what they need from you to thrive in your care.
Even though Chinchillas and Hamsters look similar, a few differences in their appearances can help you identify them. Chinchillas are fluffy creatures with exceptionally thick fur known to be softer and more fluffy than any other pet.
Chinchillas will grow around 12 inches long and weigh between 1 and 2 pounds when they are fully grown. Chinchillas come in various colors: gray, beige, white, violet, and black.
Chinchillas have a slender face with sharper features and a long fluffy tail that is iconic to them as a species. Chinchillas will also generally live for between 10 and 15 years, making them a great pet for people who want to have a long-lasting companion in their lives.
Personalities and Behavior
Chinchillas are alert and friendly animals that can trust their owners fully if they have been treated well from the very beginning. If you handle your Chinchilla gently and consistently, they will learn to trust you.
These fluffy and cute creatures are also nocturnal, so they will be most active at night. At night is when these little creatures shine as they run and jump around and carry out their own little routines. This is when they will eat, drink and play.
So, if you want to see your Chinchillas full of energy, you will need to keep the lights in the room off and stay very quiet. Chinchillas love to play at night, so they do require a big cage with a few Chinchilla toys to keep them entertained.
Chinchillas do require a regular routine, and they will become stressed if changes are made to their routine. This can be tricky for a few people as many don’t have a regular routine. This could be due to work or family responsibilities, but this can really affect Chinchillas.
Chinchillas don’t generally like to be held or cuddled, especially when they are young. They would rather run and climb all over you while they play. However, you can train them to be comfortable with cuddles and be held over time.
If you are consistent and patient with this training, the Chinchilla will be a great cuddle buddy and will learn that you are not a threat.
Health and Nutrition
Generally, Chinchillas are healthy animals. Unfortunately, Chinchillas can develop a few health problems throughout their lifetime that will require treatment or lifetime care, depending on the condition.
Here are the common health problems that a Chinchilla might be affected by:
- Urinary tract infections
- Problems with their teeth like tooth loss, tooth elongation, and tooth spurs
- Fatty liver disease
- Cracked paws
- Heatstroke
- Mites and ringworm
- Calcium deficiency
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Malocclusion
All of these health troubles need to be treated by a vet that has experience with Chinchillas; otherwise, they could cause more problems for your Chinchilla or even death.
Due to a Chinchilla’s active lifestyle at night, they are also prone to injuries. So, with your Chinchilla, you will need to look out for broken bones, sprains, and fractures that will need treatment.
You will need to offer your Chinchilla a properly balanced and healthy diet to keep your Chinchilla happy and healthy. Chinchillas’ digestive systems are designed to eat high-fiber foods, and you should not feed them fatty foods as this can cause digestive problems.
A good diet for a Chinchilla consists of pellets that are supplemented with fresh grass hay. This will provide the Chinchilla with all the nutrients and fiber they need to thrive in your care.
Grooming Requirements
The grooming process with Chinchillas is fairly easy, as Chinchillas clean themselves. You need to give your Chinchilla some Chinchilla dust for them to roll around in as this is their “bath.”
This is necessary for Chinchillas as it helps them keep their skin and fur healthy. The Chinchilla dust, just like the soil in the wild, will penetrate the fur of the Chinchilla and help get rid of excess oils and sweat on the animal’s skin.
You will need to allow your Chinchilla access to the Chinchilla dust for at least 20 minutes, as this will give them enough time to have a proper bath. You should change this Chinchilla dust at least once a week to ensure your Chinchilla stays healthy.
You can also comb your Chinchillas fur once every week or two to help remove dead fur that might stop ventilation and airflow through the fur.
Depending on the cage you keep your Chinchilla in, you might not need to trip their nails as the cage will wear them down. However, you need to take your Chinchilla to the vet to de sure this is the case.
Breeding Chinchillas
Chinchillas should be kept in same-sex groups to allow for companionship but to discourage fighting. If you cannot keep your Chinchillas separate, you might want to consider having them neutered as they will breed excessively.
If you want to breed your Chinchillas, you need to introduce the male to the female before the female is ready to mate. This will help discourage fighting between them and will help you ensure they are compatible before they mate.
Some female Chinchillas will become aggressive when approached before they are ready to mate. If this happens, you should separate the male again, or he might not pursue another female again.
Once the female Chinchilla is pregnant, you need to separate her from all other Chinchillas as they will become aggressive towards others when they are almost ready to give birth. Chinchillas can give birth three times per year, and they will generally have two offspring at a time. These offspring should begin weaning between 6 to 8 weeks.
An In-Depth Look at Hamsters
Now, we will go through everything you need to know about Hamsters. These little creatures are also extremely cute, and they also have many desirable attributes that make them popular among many different people.
However, these little creatures are quite different from their Chinchilla counterparts, although they seem pretty similar. Let’s see how these creatures differ from Chinchillas and what they need from you to thrive in your care.
Even though Hamsters and Chinchillas are similar in appearance, hamsters do have a few differences from Chinchillas that are worth mentioning as they will help you identify Hamsters better.
Hamsters are fluffy creatures, but they are not as fluffy as Chinchillas. Hamster’s fur is thinner and shorter than that of Chinchillas, and it’s not as soft to the touch, even though it’s still pretty soft.
Hamsters will generally grow to between 2 and 7 inches in height and weigh between 0.8 and 3 pounds when fully grown. So, Hamsters are usually smaller than Chinchillas. Hamsters will sadly only live for about 1.5 to 2 years. They have a very short lifespan.
Personalities and Behavior
Hamsters are very calm animals, and unless they are scared or startled, they will not act aggressively towards humans or other animals. However, Hamsters can be startled easily and are known to bite to try and protect themselves.
Their bites can be painful and sometimes draw blood, but they are not usually serious. To avoid being bitten, don’t scare or wake your Hamster up abruptly, then they will not bite you. Hamsters are not typically comfortable being handled, but you can train them to get used to it.
You can use treats to gain your Hamster’s trust and get them used to you handling them. Certain Hamsters are more aggressive than others, so you need to watch for any signs of aggressive behavior before you buy the Hamster. You want to get a calm yet curious Hamster.
Health and Nutrition
Hamsters are also pretty healthy animals, but they can develop some health problems that you should watch for and have treated by a vet that is experienced with Hamsters. You should examine your Hamster for any sign of illness or injury every day to ensure your Hamster is healthy.
You need to look for a few signs that could indicate a problem with your Hamsters health. These signs include loss of fur, a hunched posture, weight loss, lethargy, and breathing difficulties. Here are common health problems your Hamster could face:
- Diarrhea
- Wet tail
- Abscesses
- Skin infections
- Respiratory infections
A Hamsters’ diet is quite different from a Chinchillas diet as Hamsters need a protein-rich diet, with some vegetables and fruits to help the Hamster stay healthy.
You can feed your Hamster pellets and then supplement this with some other Hamster safe foods like kale and shredded carrots.
Grooming Requirements
Hamsters are like Chinchillas when it comes to their grooming, in the way that Hamsters will groom themselves, and you don’t need to do anything for them in this manner. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything for your Hamster.
You need to ensure that the Hamsters cage is clean. This will allow the Hamster to clean itself better. This will prevent your Hamster from over-grooming and damaging its fur and skin. You should also provide your Hamsters a few things to chew to keep their teeth at the right length, or they may overgrow.
Breeding Hamsters
You should not breed Hamsters unless you are a professional or have access to a professional, as female Hamsters can become highly aggressive when mating.
If you want to breed your Hamster, it is recommended that you know the genetic heritage of your Hamster as some breeds have genetic defects that can be difficult to manage. You should provide the female with nesting material to help her feel secure when ready to deliver her babies.
Hamsters will generally have between 6 to 8 pups per litter, and their gestation period is between 16 and 22 days.
Final Thoughts
Hamsters and Chinchillas do have many things in common, but as you can see, they also have attributes that set them apart from each other. To decide which one is best for you, you will need to determine how much time you give your pet.
Both will need time to get used to you, but Chinchillas will need more time from you for their care. Good luck making your decision between these two adorable creatures!
I have a bachelor’s degree in Film/Video/Media Studies, as well as an associates degree in Communications. I began producing videos and musical recordings nearly 15 years ago. I am a guitarist and bassist in Southwest MI and have been in a few different bands since 2009, and in 2012 I began building custom guitars and basses in my home workshop as well. When I’m home, I love spending time with my three pets (a dog, cat, and snake) and gardening in my backyard. I also like photographing wild birds, especially birds of prey.