With their round, fluffy, and furry little bodies, it can be especially tempting to hold your hamsters and cuddle with them all the time. So, you might be wondering, do hamsters like to be held? The answer is, unfortunately, not quite. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t handle your hamster at all. Depending on your …
Hamsters, just like other rodents, love to chew on things. While it’s fun to watch your little pets enjoy chewing on their toys or cage, it can indicate an underlying condition. That said, why do hamsters bite their cage? Your pet hamsters tend to bite their cages due to several factors, including dental problems. Moreover, …
If you’re considering getting a hamster or already have one, it’s crucial to understand their needs to ensure their well-being and happiness. Like any other animal, hamsters require specific care, food, and shelter to thrive. By understanding their needs, you can create a comfortable and healthy living space for them. In this article, we’ll cover …
Many misconceptions surround hamsters and rats due to the fact that they belong to the same rodent family. And though some species can be almost similar in size, they’re different animals with significant distinctions. In this ultimate hamster vs. rat guide, we compare the two rodents in extensive detail, covering everything from their general relationship …
Have you noticed how people often group hamsters and guinea pigs under the same “small pet” umbrella? Well, that can irk some pet parents who’ve tried raising both mammals. That’s actually understandable once you realize that they have little in common. What are the key differences? What traits do both pets share? That’s what our …
Don’t you wish you could knit a cute little scarf and sweater to keep your hamster warm? Well, since that’s a bit unrealistic, we need to figure out how to keep hamsters warm. That’s why we have to settle for alternative (and admittedly more practical) tactics. Read on to learn why hamsters are particularly susceptible …
Losing your pet is heartbreaking, but it’s bound to happen. After all, hamsters don’t have a long life span (two to three years max). As sad as the thought is, preparing for this moment is what every hamster owner should do. That’s why learning what to do with a dead hamster is the best idea. …
Hamsters are among the most popular kinds of pets. They’re cute, fluffy, and quite easy to care for, but what can hamsters eat, and what can’t they? Hamsters can eat many varieties of food, including vegetables, fruits, seeds, and pellets. In addition to that, you can occasionally give your pet hamster nuts, proteins, and grains. …
Adding a second pet to your family can be a hassle, especially if it’s a different species. Before getting a second pet, there are many factors that you need to consider, like if the two pets can get along together. We all know that cats prey on rodents. So, can cats and hamsters live together? …
So, you’ve recently gotten a pet hamster? It’s crucial to understand the tiny rodents’ sleep patterns, especially since it can be hard to determine whether your furry pet is sick, or just sleeping too much. Hamsters typically spend about 12 to 14 hours of their day sleeping. These pets are nocturnal, which means they sleep …