Have you recently purchased a pet sugar glider? You’re likely having fun with your new pet since these animals can be very interesting.
You want to do your best to care for your new pet so it can thrive. This means feeding the pet properly and ensuring that it gets good nutrition.
It’s common for people to give sugar gliders pieces of fruit as snacks. What fruits can sugar gliders safely eat?
Keep reading to learn about sugar gliders and what types of fruit they can consume. It’ll help you to give your sugar glider only fruits that are known to be safe.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Oranges?
Oranges are considered to be good snacks for sugar gliders. These pets seem to love it when their owners feed them oranges.
You should cut oranges into slices and give them to sugar gliders that way. It’s also fine to give them orange peels to eat, but this should be done in moderation.
Too many orange peels can be bad for sugar gliders. It’s also imperative to avoid giving sugar gliders orange seeds.
Simply be careful to prepare things properly. You’ll have a good experience feeding oranges to your pet sugar glider.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Grapes?
Grapes are another very common type of fruit that you’ll see sugar gliders eating. It’s good to give grapes to your sugar gliders so long as you don’t give them too much.
Like other types of fruit, grapes will be good snacks for sugar gliders. Simply ensure that you’re giving the animals these fruits in moderation.
It’s convenient to give grapes to your sugar gliders because they’re easy to eat. Sugar gliders will love these and they’ll likely become a regular snack.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Blueberries?
Blueberries should be fine for sugar gliders to eat. Before giving blueberries to your pet, it’s important to wash them thoroughly.
Sugar gliders seem to love blueberries quite a bit. They will happily eat these fruits when you offer them to them.
Just try not to give the sugar glider blueberries too often. You don’t want your pet to become overweight.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Pumpkins?
It’s okay to give sugar gliders pumpkins, but you need to be careful. When sugar gliders eat too much pumpkin, it’s easy for them to have issues with loose stools.
So long as you exercise moderation everything will be okay. These pets can eat both pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.
Sugar gliders love eating pumpkins and getting through the shell seems to be satisfying for them. Just don’t give your sugar gliders pumpkins too often.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Kiwi?
Kiwis are another type of fruit that these pets love to eat. Before giving them kiwis, it’s important to remove the skin.
Take the time to remove the skin from the kiwi and your sugar glider will be able to enjoy it. Your sugar glider will likely be very happy with the treat.
Don’t give them kiwis all the time. Whenever your sugar glider eats kiwis, it should be in small amounts.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Peaches?
Peaches will be fine to give to sugar gliders, However, you have to cut the peach into slices.
You can’t give the whole peach to a sugar glider because it might try to eat the pit. The pit is bad for the sugar glider.
As always, be sure not to give an abundance of peach slices to the sugar glider. Giving them peach slices as an occasional snack is acceptable.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cherries?
Cherries are okay for sugar gliders so long as you remove the pit and the stem. You’ll need to give them just the cherry itself.
Sugar gliders do love eating cherries. It’ll be a snack that your pet will look forward to.
Don’t give the sugar gliders too many cherries at once. So long as you’re giving your pet small amounts of cherries this should work out okay.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Cucumbers?
Cucumbers are a good occasional treat for sugar gliders. It’s pretty normal for owners to give cucumbers to their pets.
It’s easy because sugar gliders can eat the cucumber, the skin, and the seeds without it being a problem. You simply need to wash the cucumber thoroughly before giving it to your pet.
This can be a semi-regular treat for your sugar glider. It might be one of the more convenient options that you have.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Bananas?
Sugar gliders absolutely adore bananas and will happily eat them as snacks. You need to remove the peel and give them just the banana, though.
It’s also common for people to give these pets banana chips. Sugar gliders love banana chips, but it has such a high sugar concentration that you can’t give it to your pet more than once per month.
You can feed a standard banana to your sugar glider once per week if you want to. Your pet will really love it.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Pineapples?
Pineapple is another acceptable type of fruit to give to sugar gliders. Of course, you need to prepare the pineapple so the sugar glider can eat it safely.
You must remove the rind and the stem first. Once this has been done, your sugar glider can enjoy eating the pineapple.
Do your best to only give small amounts of pineapple to your pet. You don’t want to give them pineapples as treats too often either.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Tomatoes?
It’s said that all types of tomatoes are safe for sugar gliders to eat. Cherry tomatoes are among the most popular options to give to sugar gliders.
Be sure to choose tomatoes that haven’t been exposed to pesticides. Give them to your sugar gliders in moderation.
Overall, tomatoes are a good type of fruit to give to sugar gliders. They’re not expensive and it’s easy to wash them before feeding them to your pets.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Apples?
Apples are supposed to be good treats for sugar gliders. You should always wash the apple and remove the skin first, though.
It’s also important to remove the stem and get rid of any seeds. As long as you do this, your sugar glider will love the apples.
Can Sugar Gliders Eat Strawberries?
No, strawberries are not good for sugar gliders. These fruits are delectable to humans, but they shouldn’t be given to sugar gliders.
Under no circumstances should you feed strawberries to your sugar glider. Doing so could be potentially harmful.
Always be careful to check new types of fruit to see if they’re safe for sugar gliders. Failure to do so could lead to health issues.
How Often Can Sugar Gliders Eat Fruit?
It’s fine to feed your sugar gliders fruit on a daily basis. However, fruit isn’t the only thing you should give to them.
Typically, you’re going to feed these pets both fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Change the fruits that you give the sugar glider each day to ensure that it gets a mixture of different nutrients.
Some people choose to feed sugar gliders protein cubes as well. The diet should consist of healthy fruits, veggies, and protein.
How Much Fruit Can Sugar Gliders Eat?
Make sure not to give your sugar gliders too much fruit on a daily basis. You want to give them about one tablespoon of fruit per day.
Giving your pet more than this could be detrimental. Sugar gliders will struggle if they eat too much and become overweight.
One tablespoon of fruits and one tablespoon of veggies should be good for your pet. Serve this to your sugar glider on a nightly basis.
What Fruits Should Sugar Gliders Avoid?
There are many types of fruits that sugar gliders should avoid. As mentioned earlier, strawberries aren’t good for sugar gliders.
There are other types of berries that should be avoided as well. You should never give sugar gliders blackberries or raspberries.
Other fruits that need to be avoided include figs and pears. You should also know that any type of fruit can be bad for sugar gliders if it has been treated with pesticides.
Therefore, it’s likely safer to buy organic fruits that haven’t been treated with any pesticides. When you care about the safety of your pet, it’s best to take precautions.
Final Thoughts
You’ve learned a lot about sugar gliders and what types of fruit they like. There are so many different types of fruit that you can give to these animals.
Fruit will be a standard part of your sugar glider’s diet. It’ll eat fruits such as bananas, grapes, and cucumbers fairly often.
Simply remember to give fruit to sugar gliders in moderation. It’s said that you should give a sugar glider one tablespoon of fruit each night.
Change things up and give the sugar glider different types of fruit. Ensure that you keep it as happy and healthy as possible.
Avoid giving sugar gliders figs and pears. They also can’t eat blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries.
Keep all of this in mind and you shouldn’t have trouble caring for sugar gliders. You’ll have a good experience and your sugar gliders will be happy to be under your care.
I have a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When I’m not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, I’m at home with my wife, two daughters and a dog. Outside of family, I love grilling and barbequing on my Big Green Egg and working on projects around the house. Growing up, I had pet dogs, cats, deer, sugar gliders, chinchillas, a bird, chickens, fish, and a goat.
Jennifer Meador
Wednesday 1st of March 2023
Hey there! Your blog post about what fruits are safe for sugar gliders to eat was incredibly helpful! As someone who is new to owning a sugar glider, I was not sure what types of fruits I could give them as treats. Your post cleared up a lot of confusion and helped me to make an informed decision about what to feed my pet.
I was surprised to learn that sugar gliders can eat so many types of fruits, such as oranges, grapes, blueberries, pumpkins, kiwis, peaches, cherries, cucumbers, bananas, and pineapples. However, I was glad to read that it is important to feed them these fruits in moderation, as giving them too much of any fruit could lead to health issues. Additionally, I appreciate that you provided specific instructions on how to prepare each fruit so that it is safe for sugar gliders to eat.
It is clear that you have a lot of knowledge about caring for sugar gliders, and I am grateful that you have shared that knowledge with me and other readers. I will definitely refer back to your post in the future when I am unsure about what to feed my pet. Thanks for taking the time to create such a helpful resource!
Jennifer Meador of Sugarglider.website