Are you considering getting a pet lizard but unsure whether to go for a gecko or an anole? These fascinating creatures both have their unique charms, but which one is the right fit for you? In this article, we’ll compare geckos and anoles. Temperament, handling, feeding, housing, and health. Also, we’ll debunk common myths and …
Keeping anoles as pets can be a very good experience. If you’re someone who likes lizards, then it makes sense that you might want to buy one sometime soon. Those who have friends who like them might already know that they’re commonly kept in groups. You might be nervous about buying too many since you …
Bearded dragons, also commonly called Beardies, are popular pets because they’re peaceful and easy to take care of. When you handle them carefully, bearded dragons won’t act aggressively and can live up to 10 or 15 years. But in order to keep your pet bearded dragon in perfect health, you need to make sure that …
Green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) are considered the most popular lizard species in the southern states. Known for their color-changing abilities, green anoles are commonly, but inaccurately, referred to as American chameleons. Make no mistake, anoles come from a different family than the Old World lizards. They’re actually closer to iguanas than they are to true …
Lizard owners are a special breed, and anole owners are another kind of “special” altogether. Green and brown anoles are funny-looking, funny-acting, and just an all-around bundle of fun to own. But can you own both breeds together? Well, tempting as that may be, there are actually several reasons why these are two bundles of …
Many people like to take care of anoles, and some people wind up getting these little lizards when they’re very young. If you’re caring for a baby anole right now, then you likely want to ensure that you’re doing everything right. It’s going to be problematic when you can’t get the baby anole to eat …
There are a lot of people who enjoy keeping anoles as pets, and they can be a lot of fun to take care of overall. If you have noticed some issues with your anole as of late, then you might be worried about what’s going on. If your anole is acting a bit unusual, then …
Green anoles are neat little pets that lots of people like to keep in their homes. If you have recently welcomed green anoles into your home, then you might be wondering what else is able to live with them. You definitely should take the time to keep reading to find out what types of animals …
Chances are that if you own reptiles, you will want to offer them the best home that you can. Likewise, if you own hermit crabs or other crustaceans, you will also want to offer them the best home that you are able to. As such, there may come a time when you want to offer …
Out of all the different kinds of lizards out there that you can own, there are very few that have as striking of an appearance as the brown anole does. The brown anole, which is sometimes referred to as the Cuban anole, is a lizard that is best known for its starkly orange dewlap, which …