Regrowing a lost limb seems like an ability you’d see in a fantasy movie, not real life. Yet, what if we told you there’s an actual creature living among us that can grow new limbs from scratch? Chances are, you’re thinking about the same creatures and wondering the same thing: Can newts regrow limbs? Newts …
Have you ever owned a pet newt? Better yet, have you had a friend who owned a pet newt? If your answer to one of these questions is yes, then you know how adventurous these little fellas can be. Sometimes, the owners can find them trying to escape their little enclosures or already roaming around …
Geckos and newts can make cute pets, but can you tell them apart? They look so much alike that some people confuse them. Want to know the difference between them? Read on for a detailed overview of geckos and newts. This post compares the two animals in different respects, including their classification, appearance, diet, habitats, …
Can newts live out of water? Where exactly do newts live? If these are some of the questions on your mind, this post is for you! We’re going to shed light on whether or not newts can live out of the water, as well as on the life cycle of the average newt, so stick …
Having a pond or terrarium where a wide range of amphibians and reptiles can thrive in the vicinity of each other is one of the lingering ideas in every hobbyist and exotic animal owner’s head. Of course, a combination of all these species can offer a colorful and impressive display. Yet, in reality, such an …
Having a pond in your backyard can be an enjoyable experience, not just for you, but for the wildlife in your area as well. Ponds often encourage small ecosystems to form, sustaining from the bugs, reptiles, and amphibians that call your pond home. It often doesn’t take that long after a pond is set up …
Having a pond in your backyard can be a beautiful addition to a garden or even the centerpiece to your whole backyard. Ponds are a great source for plants, animals, and even small ecosystems to form that may not otherwise hang out in your area. However, as with having any other form of decoration in …